The true Eden where all desires are satisfied is red, not green. It is a blood bath of instincts, a gaping maw of orality, and a basin of gushing bodily fluids. Bruce Benderson, Lambda Book Report 12

Journey into Red Eden, a Bitsy world where you play as mad scientist Victor's wandering lover. After undergoing yet another surgery–you always do it, to support Victor's projects, his passions–you awake to a mysterious voice calling you. Do you follow it?

Uncover out-of-order lines from the unforgettable, central monologue of Patrick Somerville's Station Eleven. Explore to the melancholy tune of Kevin Macleod's Colorless Aura. And most importantly, try to escape this pit of obsession and work, love and madness, in one piece.

You can play this game in browser using the arrow buttons. Press the space bar to start. To interact with an item or character, simply walk up to it. 

CONTENT WARNINGS: (8-bit) violence and death

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